Having a child that's restricted when it comes to food is difficult. Its heart wrenching and upsetting for both parent and child. My bundles of joy were born with a whole array of allergies. So when i decided to stop breastfeeding, i had to choose a suitable formula. My first attempt was a quite common baby milk called Aptimal. The twins seemed to really enjoy it. After a first feed i put them down for their usual nap, unusually they slept for a long period of time, i took this opportunity to have a sleep myself. This can't be bad, i thought.
I woke up to an image ill never forget. The twins had an immediate allergic reaction which left them with raised bumps all over their faces. I panicked and was a crying wreck, firstly because of the guilt. "Why did i choose this milk." Then soon pulled myself together and went straight to my GP.
The doctor advised me not to continue giving them this milk, and to try a dairy free formula. The different dairy free formulas that were offered to me, ranged from Soya milk to a milk completely made with nutrients with no dairy, Soya or goat milk content at all. I found that after weeks of sleepless nights and trying the Soya milk suited the twins the best. They soon were happy and content again and when the rash went own they were as beautiful as the day they were born!
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